
Exercise Fights Depression as Well as Therapy


Millions of people struggle with depression, and the majority of those take medicine or talk to a therapists for treatment. 

Mental health is of up-most importance, and if you feel like you need some help, seek a qualified mental health professional. 

Did you know there are other effective, non-therapy and non-pharmaceutical treatment options? 

Exercise to Treat Depression

Did you know physical exercise is just as effective, according to research?

“Exercise is an effective treatment for depression, with walking or jogging, yoga, and strength training more effective than other exercises, particularly when intense,” the authors write in The BMJ. “These forms of exercise could be considered alongside psychotherapy and antidepressants as core treatments for depression.

“Exercise may be an effective complementor alternative to drugs and psychotherapy.”

That’s pretty amazing when you think about it. With side-effects of drugs filling up several pages of small print disclaimers, exercise doesn’t have the negative side-effects that drugs often have. 

An important thing to note from this study was intensity. We frequently say that intensity trumps duration. The more intense the effort, the greater the results. 

A little discomfort temporarily is worth the big payoffs. 

Depression is a leading cause of disability around the world, the authors write. It lowers life satisfaction more than debt, divorce and diabetes, and worsens comorbidities such as heart disease, anxiety and cancer.

The researchers analyzed data from 218 studies on depression and exercise involving some 14,000 people.

Previous studies have come to similar conclusions: Exercise is effective against depression. Experts say it should be considered in treatment, along with therapy and anti-depressants.

Strengthening social ties 

One of the lessons I feel like we should’ve learned from Covid-19 and the lockdowns and isolations that accompanied it, was how crucial social interaction is for our mental health. 

The CDC reports that social isolation can lead to depression, and a host of other health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. 

There has even been studies linking covid-19 to depression

So being out with friends improves your mental health.

Now imagine if you engaged in a small group exercise class/training how much that could impact your physical and mental health? 

Don’t take your mental health for granted. If you’re having issues, talk to your doctor or counselor/therapist. Take these studies as further proof of the powerful mind-body connection–and that physical exercise is always good for whatever ails you.

And remember to choose exercise that you enjoy. If it’s not fun, you’re less likely to stick with it and gain the most benefits. We are here to help.

Improve Your Physical and Mental health today!

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